20 Time – Post #1

With lots of help from all over the web (like here, here, and especially here), my classes and I are delving into the 20 Time experience this week!

Since I teach three classes, I am attempting a different 20 Time project for each class. My goal for 1st Period is to run a mile without stopping; I will use the Couch to 5K app on my phone each week and post my stats on this blog. For 2nd Period’s project, I am researching how to move to New York City. In 3rd Period, my 20 Time goal is to create a Facebook Business page for my crafts.

Successfully completing all three projects may be unlikely, but I love to remind my students that I don’t ask them to do things I am unwilling to do. So, it seems worthwhile to at least try to complete all three. Wish me luck!

2 thoughts on “20 Time – Post #1

    • kristywatkins says:

      I think there’s already enough to read in this post, PopTart, so I’m going to leave it as “here” instead of adding even more words. 😉


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